
Hello Friday -- Egads, Has Christmas Come and Gone?

Wow, the last few weeks have just flown by!  And now, I'm trying to pick up the pieces of the mess that has been left behind.  Anyone else still finding bits of wrapping paper??

It's been a good season, some rough spots, but overall pretty good.  I am blessed to know the Savior whom we celebrated on December 25th.  By the way, has anyone seen the movie 'The Star of Bethlehem'??  It is an incredible explanation of how the star which led the wise men came to be from a very scientific point of view.  Highly recommended!

I thought I should share some layouts that I have been a bit late putting up for your viewing pleasure.

Here are two that came from the December kits (All is Bright and Stars Were Gleaming) at Scrapbook Circle!  Stars Were Gleaming is still available and you can add it to your orders for the brand new January kit, Only You!

First up, I wanted to show a layout using a Christmas themed kit that wasn't a Christmas themed layout.

My son was baptised this past summer into the Body of Christ and we were so excited to see him make this decision.  It was a long time in coming.

Initially, I was going for simple, but alas, I just can't do it, so you'll see lots of layers and bits and bobs.

However, I did manage a small piece of simple in this bottom treatment.

The next layout is Christmas all the way.  It's also a lift of Emmanuelle's layout from her Scrapbook Circle kits.  You can see her original layout here.

I loved the bright colors in this months kits and took full advantage of them for this layout.

And I couldn't resist using the Pink Paislee packaging to top my photo.  A very Green solution don't you think!?

The phrase 'Let Your Heart Be Light' has been on my mind this whole season so it was a natural title choice. If you'd like the Silhouette file I created, you can find it here.  You can see the cut in the image below.

Here's wishing you a wonderful day!  And thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. These are both gorgeous!! I loveeeeeeee how you used the PP packaging on the second one!!!!

  2. Both are fabulous!! So many fun details to see!

  3. Pretty pages!
    Lovely layers. I love the top bit of the Christmas page.

  4. LOVE your layouts! Love all the fun embellishments and all the layers! My fav is the second with the splashes of red!

  5. Beautiful! I LOVE your Christmas page!

  6. such a cute star banner! i love it! :)


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